100% EVENT subscribes to the ISES (International Special Events Society) code of ethics.


We respect the intellectual property of others.

We request that our site users and business partners do the same.

All contents, including intellectual rights, contained in this Website are Copyright © 100% EVENT 2013. No portion of this website may be reproduced or stored by any means whatsoever, without prior written consent of 100% EVENT. A license to use intellectual copyright may be applied for by addressing an email to license enquiries.

ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics

Promote and encourage the highest level of ethics within the profession of the special events industry while maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct.

Strive for excellence in all aspects of our profession by performing consistently at or above acceptable industry standards.

Use only legal and ethical means in all industry negotiations and activities.

Protect the public against fraud and unfair practices and promote all practices, which bring respect and credit to the profession

Provide truthful information with respect to the performance of duties.

Use a written contract clearly stating all changes, services, products, performance expectations and other essential information.

Maintain industry-accepted standards of safety and sanitation.

Maintain adequate and appropriate insurance coverage for all business activities.